Sunday, May 1, 2011


One of my favorite days when I was a child was May 1st, May Day.  We gathered flowers and candy to put in wallpaper baskets that we fashioned ourselves.  Each basket had a handle on it, lots of glue and could be shaped like a cornucopia to round or square.  We would not put our names on them, but might include a note wishing a happy may day to the recipients.

Oh, such fun!  We'd pull our red wagon with the May baskets, stop where we could hide, and run quietly to the front door of a neighbor, hang the basket, knock or ring the doorbell and run like crazy to hide where we could watch to see if anyone answered their door and were caught by surprise by the lovely May Day basket.

May Day was a good day for surprising others with favors, and especially because it was almost time for school to be out for the summer.  That was around Memorial Day.  That day was the first day the municipal swim pool opened, and we went swimming whether the weather was chilly, raining, or windy.  We became tadpoles for the summer!

Ah May!  Not to be confused with the distress call of "May day!"




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