Friday, December 10, 2010


We're building, but slowly and we have some very notable followers and friends on barbjan10 blogs. I'm sure you'll recognize familiar names and can associate them with recent books being published, and interviews with giveaways.  Each one invite one and so on, so we can really grow.  Anyone who would like to post anything about yourself and books you've written - you are welcome to do so. Anyone wanting to do so can contact me here, and I'll send you an email address to submit your material for approval.

I'm not published yet, but I'll be working on that soon.  You don't have to be a published writer or author to post here, just keep in mind that you someday will be; and those that are might have some helpful advice to pass on to everyone.  We can develop possible an each one help one and so on.

Does anyone have an opinion they'd like to share on this?

Followers and Friends so Far:

Catherine West
Dawn Kinzer
Book Reviews by Molly
Diane Noble
Cathy Bryant
Kathie Macias
Emma Michaels
Shawna Williams
Julie Lessman
Jill at Frugal Plus
Michelle Sutton
John Hileman

Welcome everyone!  Please check back often.  Each day brings about changes in our lives and I hope you love to share as much as I do.  Please share!  That's what the comment boxes are for.

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